Brand Positioning & Alignment

We give you the tools and understanding you need to stand apart, create internal buy-inbuild audience trust, and find your organization’s sweet spot within your market.


Positioning and alignment are essential branding initiatives, but are overlooked by even the largest and most well-established organizations.

Your core team needs to come together to collectively define key elements of your brand’s DNA, such as:

  • Target audiences
  • Product and service hierarchy
  • Visual identity
  • Core values
  • Brand personality
  • Brand promise
  • Messaging strategy
  • Unique competitive advantages & differentiators

As your brand partner, we help you better understand your audiences and competitive landscape to create a standout market presence, boost SEO and conversions, provide consistent communication and better customer experiences across touchpoints.

“Contrary to what many advertising executives and self-proclaimed marketing gurus would have you believe, it takes at least as much craft and science as it takes art to make a brand successful.”

“Power Brands”/McKinsey

How we work with your team

We help you with a ground-up positioning and alignment project, or we can reinvigorate your current efforts while preparing for a big milestone project like a website redesign. Our focus is to improve your brand’s efficacy across all marketing efforts and channels. We find that teams that skip this activity often have large projects stall due to a lack of shared understanding and consensus on strategic decision-making, marketing goals, and brand positioning.

We leverage your existing research and artifacts, conduct gap analyses to meet you where you are on your brand journey and find ways to elevate your results. By aligning global and local teams through stakeholder workshops and syntehsis, we capture the full benefit of your team’s expertise and unearth misalignment and misperceptions to reach your big-picture goals.

Frequently asked questions about Brand Positioning & Alignment

What's the key to building organizational alignment around brand positioning?

The secret sauce is in our approach. We have deep experience using a variety of tools to build team consensus across all levels of very large organizations with many departments — and sometimes competing and disparate interests.

This type of brand work hasn't worked for us in the past — why should we try again?

Our experienced team can help you leverage approaches, nuances, and changes in your market that you may not have considered before. Across the board, we find that the organizations we work with gain a stronger market foothold and enjoy better future outcomes when brand positioning and alignment are done right.

How do we better understand our customers’ needs?

Different audiences have different needs and decision factors — and they routinely evolve over time. Identifying and understanding them is possibly the most critical piece of your marketing strategy. There are a variety of strategies that can help, such as analyzing market trends and creating ideal customer profiles and buyer personas to help you understand what makes them “tick.” We’re happy to discuss options that match your specific markets, goals, and needs.

Does better brand positioning improve our SEO and conversion rates?

Yes! Carefully analyzing your competitive landscape and search patterns helps us differentiate your organization and align with user needs and interests. Leveraging that information to improve your website experience positively impacts your search positioning — and gives users the confidence they need to take action on your site.